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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

King Leo's Grand Opening

King Leo’s opens in Minot ….. the ad in the newspaper on January 22, 1963 proclaimed that King Leo’s was open for business. They billed themselves as the “Aristocrat of Hamburgers)…. King Leo’s was open Sunday through Thursday from 11 am to Midnight and Friday and Saturday from 11 am to 1 am… The opening menu featured Hamburgers - 15 cents …..  Cheeseburgers – 19 cents ….. French fries – 12 cents …. Soft drinks 10 and 15 cents ….. hot chocolate – 12 cents and triple thick milk shakes – 20 cents …. All burgers were made with 100% US Gov’t. inspected ground beef…. King Leo’s was located on the Magic Mile (south Broadway – where Arby’s is now). The picture is of a King Leo's but not the Minot restaurant


  1. I was there shortly before it was demolished around 78 the guys doing the work let me take some souvenirs home , glasses shakers, etc

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  3. I remember going to the King Leo's with my parents and sister in the early 60's in dad's and mom's pink and white 1957 Chevy. The soda cups had plastic lids, but had no slits cut in them for straws to be pushed through. I still recall how my dad carried a sharpened pencil with a shiny silver clip on it in his shirt pocket. He'd use that pencil to stab a hole in the lid so our straws could go into the cup through the lid. The food was your typical burgers and fries. Far better than any McDonalds or other fast food joints these days. The orange soda I used to get was the tastiest around. King Leo's was the place of choice to eat, if we were on South Broadway. Henry's Hamburgers was the place to eat on North Hill. The Daddy-O on 4th Avenue West was good too. On East Burdick, the Little Dutch Mill had their special sauce for their burgers and a pin-ball machine to play.....provided someone had left a free game or two! Dad would never waste money on something as ridiculous as that! Man! And, who could forget the HUGE Behm Burger at Behms Truck Stop? You'd get a button to pin on your shirt which stated something along the line of you having been able to eat the whole burger. Oh, yeah. I actually did it. How I paid for it too!
    OH! How about the Auto-Dine and their Jo-Jo's potato wedges? Gladys' over on 3rd street NE was REAL home-made cooking. Those peas were the best. I didn't care for the mixed veggies though. They were boiled to near mush. But, their mashed potatos and gravy was fantastic! I loved their meatloaf too.
    Of course, we can't leave out King's Food Host, with their Cheese Frenchies, Charlie's, with their hot turkey sandwiches, or the food counter at the Woolworth's. The café in Town and Country, where my great aunt worked many, many years, and The Speedway west of Minot also had great food. Speedway, with their sherbet in those wide paper cups inside stainless steel bases, and the juke-box song selectors on the tables made for some adventurous eating, as a five year old. A&W was a treat too. Chili-dogs and a mug of root-beer always filled me up.
    I'm sure I'm missing some establishments. But, at my age, my recollection process, and other areas in my fifty-seven year old frame, don't work as well as they used to. Thanks for letting me comment and keep up the wonderful trips to the past.

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    الأبطال هم دائما قادة فريقك وجعلهم أقوى يساعدك في بناء فريق أقوى.

    تعطيك اللعبة مهام خاصة كل يوم، والتي تسمح لك بالحصول على سلع ومواد محدودة.
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