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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Minot College of Business

At one time located in Downtown Minot above B&B Drug, across from American State Bank. In 1969 the Minot College of Business was located at 234 14th Ave SE – next to the south end of the Rosehill Cemetary – the building was the former Sacred Heart Academy and is now apartments – the goals of the College of Business  at the time were to teach evening computer classes to MAFB personnel – Become a Junior College and establish a Merchandising and Salesmanship course – 


  1. I attended the initial meeting for this class at MBC while still in the USAF. The instructors were Ron Hove and Vern Stoke, who were both employed by Westland Oil in the Data Processing Center. The idea was for MBC to qualify this class for reimbursement under the GI bill but they were unable to meet the requirements and the classes were never held.
