Tuberculosis (TB) Control 1944 – because
of WWII there was a shortage of X-ray film to test people for TB. Known cases
of TB were followed and 144 home visits were made for this purpose. With the
cooperation of the Christmas Seal Funds X-rays were available later in the year
and many patients and people they were in contact with were rechecked.
Maternal and Child Health 1944 – In 1944 home visits were made to expectant mothers
and mothers with new babies and young children to encourage adequate care and
proper nutrition. Also to urge the families to protect the children against
preventable diseases. Monthly Pre-school Conferences were held at the Health
Unit and yearly conferences were held at each school in Minot. Nutritional
needs, emotional and physical development were stressed. Nutritionists were
present to help advise and educate mothers. 471 pre-school children in Minot
were examined throughout the year